Thursday, April 24, 2008


Last week I met a lady named Elizabeth. She was about 50 and dying of AIDS. I've never seen anyone so skinny. Just bones. A neighbour lady would check in on her everyday- the neighbour was an old granny who was looking after 8 orphans (some her grandkids, some were neighbour's kids). 8 little kids and a dying neighbour. We got to wash this lady, and talk and sing with her. She wanted us to sing the South African national anthen- I'm afraid I wasn't much help there. We washed all her filthy clothes and blankets -African style-in a river. I was so happy to be there- to help this dear woman who was suffering so much. Elizabeth died a few days later, but we were able to get her into a hospice for her remaining days so she could die comfortably.

Driving home from Elizabeth's we passed three women who were returning from the clinic. One of the women was carrying her friend on her back. The woman being carried was about 30, dying of AIDS, had an 8 month old baby, and could barely walk. Her friend was carrying her down a huge hill . On her back. A woman carrying another woman. I am shocked by what the
people here have to go through. Sometimes people are even taken to the hospital in wheelbarrows. There is so much hurt here, but we can do small things. We were able to comfort a dying woman, and we were able to drive the ladies to thier home. We can always do something.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks Bud, for the reminder of what really matters in this life.
Lot's of love.